The Travels of Justin's Famous Sports Chickens


Dennis Rodman 2010

-----EDITED Message-----
From: Hans Bernhardt []
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:33 PM
Subject: Dennis Rodman (no joke)

Here is the deal.  No joke Dennis Rodman was on my flight from Detroit to Elmira, NY.
Yes NBA Dennis Rodman.

 Turns out he is coaching an Elmira, NY  "farm" basketball team.. And there were two games in town. 

And yes I got him to sign a rubber chicken for my MDA camper Justin and  can add Dennis Rodman to the Justin’s Famous Sports Chickens collection.   He was in the row in front of me and across the aisle, and, well, I gotta say I did not have the best tact or timing with my approach. Was a travel  zomebie after 12+ travel hours, so did not exercise my usual finesse with famous people. Ha ha!

 So I have to give Mr. Rodman some credit for my botched approach.  He was a captive audience on the flight (literally, a HUGE man trapped, knees up, even in the exit row.) I figured I would not catch him before or after the flight, so had to strike on the plane.

I had to reach across the aisle in front of the guy next to me to tap Dennis on the shoulder and hand him a hand written note, an envelope of pictures of Justin and Sports Figures signing rubber chickens for Justin, a pen, and a, well, rubber chicken for Dennis to sign for Justin.   I said, "for you.  The letter will explain everything."

 The guy next to me was understandably irked. He apparently  did not want to have anything to do with it. I later apologized to him and gave him a little rubber chicken keychain.

Dennis Rodman appeared to be weirded out! Yes I was able to weird out THE Dennis Rodman!  My next career is in LA, Hollywood.  TMZ will be all over me as the only guy who could out weird The Rodman.   There is a career in this somewhere!

So Dennis handed the chicken back in short order without signing it.  But he held onto the letter and envelope.  I said again, "Read .. It will make sense.". He finally asked for the chicken back but did not even look at the photos.  He signed the chicken and handed it all back.  Oh wait, he kept the pen.  I said "don't you want to look at the photos?" He did not reply.  And that was that.  Oh until I made multiple apologies to the dude next to me, who did not want to listen to me at first. But then "acquiesced" hee hee heee.
