The Travels of Justin's Famous Sports Chickens


Meb Keflezighi 2009 and 2012
Bay to Breakers is considered the world’s largest foot race.  Potentially also the world’s largest block party.  The race starts with world class runners in the front, and then  great runners, good runners, fun runners, and THEN the crazy people.  Guess where Hans fits in?  Yep.  He runs with all the other people who are dressed up… he has this outfit covered with happy faces and rubber chickens… and he goes along the course and hands out rubber chickens and makes balloon animals for kids and even senior citizens at two nursing homes along the course (after several years of doing this they actually expect him now).    
But this is not about Hans at the back of the pack littering the street with rubber chickens (friends have reported seeing them along side of the road amongst the 100,000 people, yes one hundred thousand, so know Hans is somewhere on the course.)  THIS IS ABOUT the guy at the FRONT of the pack, who just so happens to ALSO BE the 2004 OLYMPIC MARATHON SILVER MEDALIST!  And that guy is Meb Keflezighi.
But as always the story is not straight forward with Hans.  Turns out he is getting old and forgetful.  At least that is one interpretation.  The other perhaps has to do with the letters “A”, “D” and “D.”  So let’s start in 2009, with an email from Hans’s brother, Eric:
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Bernhardt
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 12:29 PM
To: Hans Bernhardt
Subject: Chicken #?

Just got a rubber chicken signed by Meb K, the Olympic silver medalist in the marathon.       

There is a TV show called “Hoarders.”  The reason why I bring this up is because it was from 2009 to 2012 Hans hoarded sports chickens, did not tell me about them, and did not visit.  So go figure in 2012 when  Hans met Meb at the Bay to Breakers pre-race EXPO that Hans COMPLETELY FORGOT that he ALREADY HAD a rubber chicken signed by Meb in the pile of hoarded rubber chickens at home.   Perhaps it was neither old age or A.D.D. that caused him to forget, but the fact that the pile was chock full of cheerleader chickens.  One tends to forget other chickens in the midst of chick chickens. 
‘Nough said.