The Travels of Justin's Famous Sports Chickens



"We're Not Worthy! We're NOT Worthy!"
Alice Cooper!!!

We're not Worhty!
We're not Worthy!

You have to click on the above to absorb the full impact of this monumental feat!

The Story of The Alice Cooper Chicken

Another Saga by Master Rubber Chicken Recruiter Hans Bernhardt
But, first the short version, by way of Justin's Editorial command!
(As Hans says, "Oooh man!" in the background)


There are reasons why we should help each other, and why we should refer each other, and why we should ask for help. And sometimes there are chains of helping events that have very strange results.  This is the case with the Alice Cooper “Sports” Chicken. Oh and it also involves two coworkers, two little girls totally new to MDA Summer camp, a nervous grandma, and a grandpa who did not quite hear what the grandma said,

The Rest of the Story