The Travels of Justin's Famous Sports Chickens

Roger Staubach Chicken Story

Below is the original letter Hans wrote to Mr. Staubach

October 10, 2003

Dear Mr. Staubach,

When opportunities to spread good will knock, one whose propensity for doing so must seize the day! 
That is:  “Never hurts to ask!”   So here goes: 

I am Hans Bernhardt and volunteer with the Muscular Dystrophy Association.  Each year I travel from California back to Virginia to act as Entertainment Director of MDA summer camp – where I first got involved.  In June 2003 after camp I flew to Florida and delivered a special surprise gift  to one of my former campers, Justin Sokolowski.  It is a long cool story how I came about this gift. Let’s just say Justin is a huge sports fan, and I was able to bring him a rubber chicken signed by some players from the Detroit Redwings.

Yes this is off the wall, but good will and zest behind simply obtaining and delivering this gift to Justin was a real life example of how we as can interact and simply share the love of life.

Reference information:
Justin’s Website

My brother’s and my website

Dedicated to the adventures of mere mortals.  Because sometimes the best adventures you have in life are when you are the most chicken and you try anyway… and someone somewhere wants to hear your story!

Photos of Justin and the “Official Detroit Redwings” rubber chicken delivery.
(see attached)

So yesterday I was training here in Dallas (at Microtek on the second floor) when one of my students said, “Guess who I saw at lunch!”  Soon I found out you are in the building.  Before long I could not contain my enthusiasm and started into my story about Justin and the rubber chicken and the idea that hit me like a rock – I want to make an annual trip to see Justin and bring him a new rubber chicken signed by a sports hero. 

So that’s where you come in, Roger.   I am sure you are thinking that this is the strangest thing.  No  stunt here. It is actually very pure… a gift.. a fun gift.. and one to spread the good will.  Be it known that I am just a high energy happy go lucky guy who makes every attempt to enjoy life and share my enthusiasm in many ways with everyone around me , such as this one.    So I respectfully ask,  would you be willing to sign a rubber chicken for me to bring to Justin next June after my annual trip to MDA summer camp?

If so I will be happy to stop by another time to pick it up or have a representative from Microtek on the 2nd floor  (John Hamulak) stop by to pick it up.

Again:  When opportunities to spread some good will knocks, one who’s propensity for doing so must seize the day!  

Thank  you very much for your time!



Hans Bernhardt